Saturday, May 16, 2009

Welcome to my blog!! I have put off creating one for a long time, fearing keeping it up would take time away from my hobbies--stamping and beading. But because so many of you have urged me to create one, I've decided to do it! I am going to try to post pictures and projects frequently, so I hope you will stop in often! I welcome any feedback from you!

I agonized (literally) over what banner heading to use. Since you use my name to reach my blog, I have the option of changing the banner title if I want--so I decided I'd change it from time to time, that way getting to using more of the headings I've come up with. So watch for the changes and I'll have a brief message to go with each change.

Butterflies and Blue Skies--Kissed by the Son---How did I select this title for today?

For one, butterflies are my personal symbol. I’m like a butterfly—leave me alone, and I’ll flutter around, come to you, and hopefully bring you joy and happiness and be something (someone) you can enjoy. But try to force me to be something I’m not or to be somewhere I don’t want to be, grab my wings and you’ll tear them, destroying my “color “so that I am no longer what you liked in the first place. This has happened to me in my past life. I can only be somewhere of my own choosing and must be allowed to “fly my own pattern” to be the lovely person inside God created. We all must find our own way and be our own beautiful person—others can’t force us!

Secondly, butterflies are totally carefree and so much pleasure to watch, for no worthwhile reason except the joy it brings. Maybe that's what stamping and paper crafting is to me. It is not a craft that produces concrete, forever things. Paper is delicate (like the butterfly). But it brings pleasure to someone to get a pretty piece of paper, brightens their day (like a butterfly does) and, though short lived, that paper is a beauty to behold. Aahhhh, I love butterflies and paper!!!

Blue skies are just a given for me---I LOVE spring and days with sunshine and beautiful blue skies. In fact, I love all things in nature and will be sharing pictures I snap around our Silver Creek farm--birds, flowers, animals, all pleasure-givers.

And I am totally "Kissed by the Son"--Jesus Christ! I have been blessed beyond my wildest expectation!! Daily I am amazed at how much God has blessed me with the beautiful place I live, my loving family and precious friends, my wonderful church fellowship, good health and too many other blessings to name. Yes, I've been Kissed by the Son!!

Thanks for visiting my blog--and come back often!!
Smiles, Laura

1 comment:

  1. I love your comments here, too, Laura! The other blog, Smiles, Laura will be easier to remember! Are you keeping both of these?
